
The C-STEM Center at the University of California, Davis is a UC-approved Educational Preparation Program for undergraduate admission to all UC campuses for both K-12 and community college students. The Center provides professional development for teachers on integrating hands-on computing and robotics into science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education. Educators can use C-STEM Studio software with Linkbot Labs for the C-STEM Math-ICT curriculum, jointly developed with Barobo.

The user-friendly C/C++ interpreter Ch® from SoftIntegration, Inc. provides an effective and productive environment for students to learn math, coding, and robotics. Barobo teams with SoftIntegration to provide simple ways to control single and multiple robots.

The National Science Foundation funds research and education in the fields of science and engineering. Barobo was awarded two NSF grants to develop innovative ways to use robotics in STEM education.